Friday, October 22, 2004

My name is Jared and I am a tech addict

I have wanted to start a blog for a few months but I didn't know what to "blog" about. I knew that I didn't want it to be a wandering, rambling waste of bandwidth. I kept thinking about writing something that I would find interesting even if it wasn't written by me. As you will see in future posts I am addicted to everything tech. I love gadgets and gizmos, the newer the better. I know I drive my wife crazy with this so I figured a blog would be a good forum for me to talk about these things without ruining my marriage.

My english teachers in school always said that you need to have plan before you start writing anything (my computer science professors in college said the same thing about programming), so here is my tentative blog plan. I want to review and research cool tech toys. The drawback is that I don't have the connections that would let me review stuff for free. So I have decided to put to use a skill I honed while being a dirt poor college student. I used to go to all kinds of stores like Best Buy, Circuit City, and CompUSA just to look at stuff. I would go in thinking, "Ok, If had x amount of money, what would I buy today? What is catching my attention and making me want to sell my kidney on the black market so I can have it?" That is what I am going to do for this blog. I am going to review products strictly from the experience I can have with them in a store.

So keep checking back for more my reviews, tech tips, and other musings on all things tech. I welcome feedback, questions, comments, and ideas for posts. Hopefully you will find this blog a somewhat humorous look at the world of tech.

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